A GIFT FOR SPRING - AN invitation to spend time with your creative self

May 13, 2023, 10:00am PST

the Creative Circle


You long for a flow of inspiration that feels like a clear, mountain spring, instead of a muddy puddle. And as Spring blooms around you, perhaps you are searching for a way to water the seeds of your creativity.

The Creative Circle is a seasonal opportunity for a global community of like minded souls to gather via Zoom and be inspired together.

This is the SPRING 2023 creative circle - 

a gift from me to you.

Let's water Your SPRING with COLOR

For the Spring Creative Circle, I'm bringing you one of my favorite ways to spark creativity – watercolors!


Never tried them or not sure where to begin? Don't worry, I've got your back!


When you sign up and save your free seat, I'll send you an email with all sorts of ideas of what you can bring. Including natural tools like course salt!


- Jenn

“With Claire's array of creative tools, resources, and a touch of whimsy, she helps you craft your own unique experience.”

- Emma

“I felt truly seen and heard, well held and safe in this creative container.”

- Heather

"Claire invites the kind of stillness that lets you reconnect with your own truth and allow your own unique creativity to emerge forth.”

If you join us, 

you'll experience…

  • A guided meditation to clear space for your Spring creativity and listen to your creative inner voice


  • Meet a unique creature for wisdom, creative seeds and prompts


  • Receive gentle guidance from Claire on how to explore your creativity through playing with one of her favorite tools – WATERCOLORS


We all lose touch with our creative inner self at times – sometimes for a long time – but don't worry. If you show up to play with us, the seeds of your creativity will have space to begin to grow.




save your seat now and join the creative community

90 minutes of SPRING creativity


Practice clearing space for your creative flow


Invite the Natural world and her creatures to inspire you


Play with watercolors with gentle guidance from Claire


Be in a supportive, creative community space


May 13th, 2023, 10:00am - 11:30am PST via Zoom

space for your creative self to let spring bloom and play



I'm Claire. 

And my passion is helping others unlock their unique creative voice in the world, in whatever form that takes.

Whether you write, paint, fold, cook, parent, sing, hike – there is a creative self that is an essential part of you. This magical part of yourself sees a tree, a cat, a tomato, a sunset, in ways that no one else does.

Together, let's uncage your inner creative creature and see what she wants to play with!

That feeling of being drawn to create —
that’s called intuition.
and the world needs your creative self.


How will we meet?

Since we are a global community, we use Zoom as a gathering space. You'll receive an email with the link when you save your seat along with all the details.

What do I need to bring?

You can bring any current creative project or one you'd like to start. For this Spring Circle, we'll also be using watercolors. These are optional but if you have been curious to try playing with them, this is the PERFECT opportunity!

Will I need to share?

All sharing is optional! This is a safe space that we create together. As such, there are no recordings and everyone is encouraged to be both on and off camera as you need.

I've never used watercolors, help!

Never fear! Although they make look tricky, they are a friendly creative tool. Before the Circle you'll receive ideas for paints, brushes and other options of what to bring so that you can arrive ready to create.

What if my creative self is scared?

We all lose touch with that inner, creative child from time to time. Don't worry – if you sign up and show up, so will they. 

Should I bring a journal?

Sure! If writing is your creative tool of choice, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to spark your words for Spring!

Wander into the natural world of creativity within you and awaken to spring in a new way.

10:00AM PST | SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 2023